Phone: 418-656-2279
Our rates
We have competitive rates and our wait times are fair, established according to the availability of our student translators.
Translation rates per word
English > French: $0.17/word
French > English: $0.18/word
Special rates
Resume translation: $100/600 words*
Resume + cover letter translation: $150/900 words*
Long thesis abstract translation: $70/450 words*
Short thesis abstract translation: $40/250 words*
Academic transcript translation
Update : $50
90 credits and less: $85
91-135 credits: $95
136-250 credits: $105
251-359 credits: $135
360 credits and up: $150
*$0.17/additional word. Please note that we charge an extra $0.01 per word for non-members of the university community. N.B.: With the exception of Université Laval academic transcripts, we cannot translate official documents, whether they require a certification or not. For any such request, or for a translation into a language other than French or English, please contact the OTTIAQ. We accept payments made by check, with cash, or with a bank transfer from a Canadian banking institution.